Fulton County has received $40 million through the United States Emergency Rental Assistance program. The purpose of Fulton County’s program is to provide financial assistance to eligible households for the payment of rent, rent arrearage, utility arrearage and other housing costs incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligible households must reside within Fulton County but outside of the city of Atlanta. The Applicant should be an adult tenant in an eligible household.
An eligible household includes:
• one or more individuals within the household has qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship during or due, directly or indirectly, to the coronavirus pandemic;
• one or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability; and
• the household is a low-income family
If you are a tenant:
If you are a landlord:
This program is funded by the United States Treasury. The Treasury Department requires information and documentation to show that Fulton County has properly used the funds for this program. Required documentation includes information such as income information, social security numbers, and/or other information and documents.
Fulton County may need to provide the information you share with the Treasury Department to facilitate proper tracking use of funds. If you fail to provide any required information and/or documentation, your application may not be processed.
Fulton County is accepting applications for the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program. To apply visit, fultoncountyga.gov/renthelp or call 1-855-776-7912
See below for a sample Form 1099-G.
Form 1099-G is used by a government agency to inform you of funds you have received that you may need to report on your federal income tax return.
A copy is sent to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to report the funds and a copy is mailed to you to provide you with information you may need to file your federal income tax return.
You are receiving this Form because you received payments from the Fulton County Emergency Rental Assistance Program during the 2021 calendar year.
The Account number listed on Form 1099-G is a unique identifier to distinguish your account. This Account number will not match your Landlord ID (see sample form below).
Please refer to the instructions provided by the IRS for Form 1099-G and consult with your tax preparer or an authorized tax adviser for instructions on how to use this form.
The Corrected Form 1099-G will show the corrected information. Use the Corrected Form 1099-G and do not reference the originally issued Form 1099-G.
Please refer to the instructions provided by the IRS for Corrected Form 1099-G and consult with your tax preparer or an authorized tax adviser for instructions on how to use this form.
Example of a corrected Form 1099-G is below:
Yes, there are limitations on the maximum household income to qualify for Fulton County COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Income caps are as follows:
Household 1 | $46,350 |
Household 2 | $52,950 |
Household 3 | $59,550 |
Household 4 | $66,150 |
Household 5 | $71,450 |
Household 6 | $76,750 |
Household 7 | $82,050 |
Household 8 | $87,350 |
Yes. If you are an owner/landlord who would like to become eligible to receive emergency rental assistance payments on behalf of your tenant, you must complete a Landlord Application in the Fulton County COVID-19 Emergency Rental portal.
If an adult is living in leased property in Fulton County outside the City of Atlanta and faces the possibility of eviction, you should apply using the Tenant Application. You will be eligible if you meet the financial and other requirements for an eligible household.
No. This program was funded by the U.S. Government specifically for Fulton County residents outside the City of Atlanta. The City of Atlanta received its own funding.
You are a tenant for purposes of this application, and you may file an application. However, you may be required to provide other evidence of the landlord/tenant relationship, such as proof of prior payment.
No. This program only provides assistance for residential dwelling rental obligations.
Yes. If you otherwise qualify and already lost the occupancy of housing, you may apply to obtain financial assistance to pay the landlord and/or utility companies for the outstanding rental arrears and/or utility arrears.