Fulton County Facility Closure
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
Community Services, a division of the Department of Community Development, administers and coordinates the County’s Human Services Delivery Network. This network brings together nonprofit service providers, community-based organizations, churches, citizens, private sector and other local governments to address the issues related to Fulton County residents.
Q. What are the general requirements for the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for the Community Services Program?
Q. What are the characteristics of Community Services Programs that have historically been funded?
Q. What are the Eligibility Requirements for a Request for Proposal?
Q. What deems an RFP Ineligible?
Proposals will be DEEMED INELIGIBLE for the following reasons:
Q. How is the Request for Proposals Evaluated and Scored?
Review Process and Evaluation Criteria:
The review and scoring of CSP proposals consists of four (4) components:
Eligibility Review is the initial screening phase of the submitted Community Services Proposals. The eligibility review is initiated by the Purchasing Department who ensures the proper and timely submission of the proposals by the deadline. The eligibility review continues with the Department of Community Development who ensures that the proposals include the required information as outlined in the RFP.
The Community Services Evaluation Committee is comprised of twenty (20) committee members, of which ten (10) are internal county staff and ten (10) are external “subject matter experts”. Additional reviewers are activated should the number of proposals submitted exceeds the capacity of the CSP Evaluation Committee. Fulton County Department Directors/Division Managers, whose program(s) align with the five CSP Service Categories (Children and Youth Services, Disabilities, Economic Stability/Poverty, Homelessness, and Senior Services) assign staff to serve as internal committee members and recommend “subject matter experts” to serve as external reviewers. External reviewers complete a questionnaire outlining their areas of skills and expertise, and are required to complete a confidentiality agreement, and a conflict of interest agreement prior to review of proposals. Proposals will be categorized based on the primary service category indicated by the vendor. Each proposal will receive two (2) reviews and two (2) scores to minimize any potential bias from a single reviewer.
Q. When does a Request for Proposal begin and end?
The CSP award runs from January 1st to December 31st of the funding year.
Q. How does one apply for the Community Service Program?
To apply, you must first register as a user via the WebGrants Portal. Once you are registered you will then have access to apply via the online Request For Proposal.
Q. Who do we contact for additional information about Requests for Proposals?
For more information, please email us at hsd.applications@fultoncountyga.gov
Q. Do I qualify for the Summer Youth Internship Program if I attend college out of state but have a primary residence in Fulton County?
A. Yes, as long as your primary residence is located within one of the designated Fulton County zip codes listed for the Summer Youth Internship program.
Q. Do I qualify for the Summer Youth Internship Program if I attend one of the schools listed but do not live in any of the zip codes listed?
A. Yes. As long as you either attend a listed school OR live in one of the Fulton County zip codes listed, you are qualified to apply for the Summer Youth Internship Program.
Q. May I participate in the Summer Youth Internship Program if I am not able to participate until a week after the program starts?
A. No. Interns selected to participate in the Summer Youth Internship Program must be available to work 5 consecutive weeks during the summer (dates to be determined.)
Q. I have a relative that works for Fulton County Government, if accepted into the Summer Youth Internship Program may I be assigned to her work site?
A. No. While we do accept interns into the Summer Youth Internship Program who have relatives that work for Fulton County, it is against our policy to place interns in the same department as their relatives.
Q. Do I automatically get the Summer Youth Internship job once I apply?
A. No. Applications are processed on a first-come first-served basis. Applicants will be contacted and invited in for an interview at which time all of the required documents must be turned in to the program facilitators. After completing the interview process, applicants will be notified of their acceptance into the Summer Youth Internship program and will be required to attend a group orientation prior to beginning his/her work assignments.
Q. Does my parents’ income affect my chances to get a paid internship with the Summer Youth Internship Program?
A. No, income is not part of the qualifying criteria for acceptance into the Summer Youth Internship Program.
Q. If I participated in the Summer Youth Internship Program last year, will I automatically qualify to participate this year?
A. No, you must still apply for the Summer Youth Internship program each year.
Q. Who do we contact for additional information?
A. For more information about the Summer Youth Internship Program, please contact us at summeryouthinternshipprogram@fultoncountyga.gov
Q. What is the Fulton County Youth Commission (FCYC)?
A. The FCYC is a leadership program for high school students in Fulton County, Georgia, whose primary purpose is to advocate for children and youth issues. The program empowers participants to become involved in the local government process as it pertains to youth related legislation, policies and programming.
Q. Who is eligible to apply for the Fulton County Youth Commission?
A. Applicants must attend a Fulton County School, Atlanta Public School, Private or Charter School within Fulton County. Applicants must also be Fulton County residents.
Q. What is the age/grade requirement for the Youth Commission?
A. Applicants must be a high school freshmen, sophomores, or juniors enrolled in a high school within Fulton County lines. Applicants going into their senior year of high school during the start of the program term are not eligible to apply.
Q. How many Youth Commissioners are typically on the Youth Commission?
A. The program typically appoints 31 Youth Commissioners throughout Fulton County. There are a total of 5 Youth Commissioners per commission district and one youth commissioner that serves the county at-large.
Q. What is the time commitment for participation in the Fulton County Youth Commission?
A.Youth Commissioners volunteer an average of 20 hours per month for planning meetings and community projects and over 120 hours on an annual basis
Q. Who do we contact for additional information about the Fulton County Youth Commission?
A. Please contact Reginald Crossley at reginald.crossley@fultoncountyga.gov
Q. What is the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK)?
A. My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBK) is an initiative of the Obama Foundation that focuses on building safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color where they feel valued and have clear pathways to opportunity. MBK addresses persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential. Through this initiative, cities, towns, businesses, and foundations connect young people to mentoring, support networks, and the skills they need to find a good job or go to college and work their way into the middle class.
Q. What are six national milestones that the MBK alliance seeks to address?
A. There are six national milestones that the MBK alliance seeks to address: 1. Entering school ready to learn; 2. Reading at grade level by third grade; 3. Graduating from high school ready for college and career; 4. Completing post-secondary education or training; 5. Successfully entering the workforce; and 6. Reducing violence and providing a second chance.
Q. What is the My Brother’s Keeper Fulton County Taskforce (MBKFC)?
A. The My Brother’s Keeper Fulton County Task Force (“MBKFC”) was established by Board Action on October 15, 2014 (Agenda Item No. 14-0861) to align with the Obama Foundation’s efforts to educate and save the lives of children with a focus on Fulton County. For more information on the My Brother’s Keeper Fulton County Taskforce, contact the Youth and Community Services Division at 404-613-7944
Q. What is the My Brother’s Keeper Fulton County (MBKFC) Competitive Application?
A. The MBKFC competitive application provides funding for projects that aim to have a direct and justifiable impact on boys and men of color in communities throughout Fulton County. The objective is to ensure the social, economic, health and environmental well-being for boys and young men of color. The 2019 MBKFC competitive application was released on July 15, 2019 and closed August 12, 2019. The Fulton County Board of Commissioners approved the allocation of $100,000 in funding to 14 non-profit agencies (Agenda item#19-0738). Future funding MBKFC funding opportunities will be determined by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.
Q. Who is the contact for additional information about My Brother’s Keeper Fulton County (MBKFC)?
A. Please contact the Youth and Community Services Division at 404-613-7944