Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Board of Commissioners Meeting is underway. You can watch live on FGTV. Click here to view today's meeting agenda.
The Board of Commissioners Meeting is underway. You can watch live on FGTV. Click here to view today's meeting agenda.
Atlanta City Council Post 3 - At Large
2024 Qualified Candidates - Novembers Elections
Write-In Candidates must be certified per the guidelines outlined in Election Code 21-2-133.
Write-In candidates are not listed on the ballot but voted for by the voter writing in the candidate’s name on a ballot marking device (BMD) touchscreen or on a paper ballot.
A list of certified Write-In Candidates is posted at each Advance Voting and Election Day polling locations for each election, for voters to review.
Electronic Filing
Fulton County uses the Easy Campaign Finance Portal to receive campaign documents electronically from candidates and elected officials at Fulton County offices.
Easy Campaign Finance Registration Instructions:
Once registration is complete, our office will receive notification to approve your request.
Once approved, you will then be able to electronically file the following:
Local Candidates and Public Officials are required to file their reports with the Local Filing Entity (Fulton County Department of Registration and Elections). Although Local Filers are assigned a Filer ID and password when they submit an eFiling PIN application, they are still required to file the original report with the Local Filing Officer. Although many local filers log into the eFiling system and file, reports are not considered “filed” until they are filed with the appropriate local filing entity. O.C.G.A. § 21-5-34 (a)(3)(4)
Campaign Contribution Disclosure Report Filing Schedule
The Department of Registration and Elections conducts elections for the Municipalities within Fulton County. However, Municipal Candidates and Elected Officials qualify and file campaign reports with their Municipal Clerk.