Fulton County Facility Closure
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
WorkSource Fulton, also known as Fulton County Workforce Development is governed by our Workforce Development Board and is comprised of representatives from the W.I.O.A. mandated partners, business community and other relevant organizations. The infrastructure includes several Board Committees that work with the WorkSource Fulton staff to develop plans, policies and procedures for different components of the System. Each Board Committee is chaired by a Board member and is comprised of Board members, with special emphasis on representation from the business community, officers of the Board and required partners. All Board Committee documents that are developed must go to the full Workforce Development Board or the Executive Committee for review and approval.
Strategic Partnerships and Outreach - The Strategic Partnership and Outreach Committee shall identify strategic opportunities for the Board to engage and collaborate with organizations serving job seekers in Fulton County.
In addition, the Committee will recommend programs and strategies for serving special populations and strategic communities in Fulton, including providing resources and strategies to serve individuals with disabilities, evaluating areas where the workforce system can invest additional resources, and incorporating regional initiatives into the Fulton service delivery model.
Finance Committee - The Finance Committee shall review and provide guidance for the organization’s financial matters. The Committee will regularly review the organization’s revenues and expenditures, ensure that organizational funds are spent appropriately, approve the annual budget, and submit it to the full Board for approval.
In addition, the Committee will evaluate the effectiveness of grant funding by examining the performance outcomes of programs and identifying opportunities for cost savings. In addition, the Finance Committee will provide the Board with updates on available resources and program needs that require additional resources.
Accountability - The Accountability Committee shall ensure that the efforts and programs of the Fulton County workforce system are operating at the highest and best use of available resources. The Committee shall prepare and update the Board’s Local Action Plan; review the needs of the local labor market; develop strategic plans; review Adult and Dislocated Worker program performance; establish benchmark performance measures for the system; review on-site program contractor monitoring reports; and assist with the review and recommendations on Memorandums of Understanding and Request for Proposals.
The Committee shall also develop and update policies and procedures; and monitor and update training provider certification and one-stop certification, where appropriate. In addition, the Committee shall be tasked with evaluating programs to ensure the greatest impact on achieving the goals of the Board.
Youth Standing Committee - The Fulton County Workforce Development Board designated the Youth Council to be formally known as the Youth Standing Committee under WIOA Section 107 (b)(4). Members shall include community-based organizations (CBOs) with a demonstrated record of success in serving eligible youth and other individuals with appropriate expertise and experience who are not members of the Board and may also include parents, participants, and youth.
The Committee is to inform and assist the Board in developing and overseeing a comprehensive youth program. They may participate in the applicable deliberations of the Board on the issues related to their Youth Standing Committee functions and make recommendations for providers of youth workforce activities through competitive grants or contracts; however, if the Board determines there is an insufficient number of eligible providers in a local area, the Board may award contracts on a sole-source basis as per the provisions at WIOA sec. 123(b).
The Youth Committee will be further tasked with evaluating Youth performance measures and ensuring that successful strategies are in place to meet or exceed negotiated performance rates.
The Committee will discuss opportunities for pilot programs and grant funding opportunities to serve strategic youth populations.
Executive Committee - The Executive Committee will exercise authority and manage the business of the LWDB during intervals between board meetings. The officers serve as members of the Executive Committee, except for the power to amend the policies and the Bylaws.
WorkSource Fulton L.W.D.B. Roster | ||
Allen, Diane | TCSG |
TCSG Regional Operations Manager/ Region 5 |
Barnes, Bryson |
Barnes Construction |
Principal |
Bell, Mike |
IBEW Local 613 |
Assistant Business Manager |
Boatright, Kali | The Greater North Fulton Chamber of Commerce |
Bremer, Karen | Georgia Restaurant Association | President & CEO |
Butler, David |
GA Vocational Rehabilitation Agency (VocRehab) |
Office Manager |
Cook, Tom | Flexible Technology Solutions LLC |
COO & President |
Darden Beauford, Yulonda | Atlanta Technical College |
VP Economic Development |
Dover, Sanquinetta |
DoverStaffing |
President & CEO |
Johnson, Rich |
AT&T |
AVP - Legislative & Regulatory Affairs |
Macke, James "Andy" | Corporate Environmental Risk Management (CERM) |
VP, Client Services |
McFarlane, Karimah | The Buckhead Art & Company |
Owner |
Nickerson, Amelia | First Step Staffing | VP of Development & Community |
Noyes, Brian | Fulton County Schools | Chief Communications Officer |
Rooks, Stephanie |
Gwinnett Technical College |
VP of Adult Education |
Ruder, Alex |
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta | Senior Adviser |
Russell, Shar'ron | Georgia Power | Community Development Manager |
Schofield, Kim | Kimler & Associate LLC | President |
Taggart Jr., Marshall |
Clark Atlanta University |
Associate Vice President |
Wences, Juan Jose |
Iron Workers 387 | Organizer/Political Coordinator |
Wimeberly, Yulonda |
Grady Healthy Systems |
Chief Healthy Equity Officer |