Fulton County’s Department of Senior Services today announced that effective Monday, July 12, 2021, Fulton County’s senior centers will reopen with limited in-person programming. As part of its reopening strategy, the department will maintain its hybrid program options indefinitely, as it has proven to be effective in providing healthy options for seniors aging in place.
This announcement comes after more than a yearlong closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Our centers have been closed since March 2020. We are extremely excited about this announcement and will reopen our facilities from a health and safety perspective. This would not have been possible without the commitment and compassion of Senior Services staff, contractors and the Department of Real Estate Asset Management,” said Ladisa Onyiliogwu, Director.
Recognizing that seniors may have ongoing concerns regarding COVID-19, Fulton County Senior Services will continue to work within the existing guidance to offer an array of services that follow social distance guidelines. As such, please note the following:
- Neighborhood Senior Centers will reopen July 12th with limited in-person programming and operational hours. To-go meals will be provided for participants.
- Fulton County Multipurpose Facilities will operate on a limited schedule beginning July 12th with Lunch to Go, for seniors age 55 and older. Lunch hours will be held from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
- Gym will reopen July 12th with limited access. Seniors who wish to use these services must schedule a reservation at their respective Multipurpose Senior Facility.
“We are thrilled to reopen our senior centers as we know our seniors have been incredibly isolated,” said Anna Roach, Esq., Fulton County Chief Operating Officer. “COVID-19 has been especially hard on seniors and we are excited for their safe return to our centers. Throughout the pandemic, we have successfully provided virtual and outdoor programs, and now we can begin to offer indoor activities as well. We will continue to follow safety protocols and look forward to reopening our facilities safely and efficiently.”
On August 2nd, Adult Day Health will reopen. This date is also slated for on-site classes and regular programming at the Multipurpose Senior Facilities and Neighborhood Senior Centers. Designated personnel will be onsite to address high touch areas (door handles, railings, desks) throughout the day. Hand sanitizing stations will be placed throughout senior centers and air purifiers and HVAC filters have been installed to assist with clean air flow.
In addition to the above-mentioned services, Congregate Meals may be provided to those seniors who do not feel comfortable returning to on-site facilities. Center manager staff will coordinate and continue supporting daily meal needs.
For more information about ongoing programs and services for seniors, and a list of centers near you, please visit: https://www.fultoncountyga.gov/inside-fulton-county/fulton-county-departments/senior-services/senior-centers or call the STARline at 404-613-6000.