Fulton County Facility Closure
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
Fulton County is the first Georgia County to offer COVID-19 testing kiosks. The kiosks, located in the Fulton County Government Center and the Fulton County Courthouse, allow residents to easily access COVID-19 PCR testing.
The testing kiosks use a combination of self-testing and virtual services allowing for wider accessibility and ease of use.
“Fulton County continues to be on the leading edge of innovation in our COVID-19 response. I am excited about this major step in the battle to save lives,” said Fulton County
Commissioner Robb Pitts.
After accessing a sample kit from the kiosk, the patient scans the QR code on the test package to start their testing appointment. At that point a clinician will guide the patient through the
collection process to ensure that a proper sample is collected. Once the sample has been collected, the patient can place the completed test kit in a Sick.org drop box located next to the
Samples are collected from drop boxes six days a week, Monday through Saturday. Patients will typically expect to receive results from their PCR test via email within 48 hours. Sick.org will bill patients’ insurance or patients can self-pay for $89.00.
Fulton County residents in need of free COVID-19 testing may also access FREE home test kits offered at many community locations www.fultoncountyga.gov/hometestkit