Fulton County Facility Closure
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Wednesday, February 12, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
During its meeting on August 17, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners approved to award $2.3 million in funding to Arts nonprofits through the Department of Arts & Culture.
Funding awards ranging from $2,500 to $42,000 will be available through the Contracts for Services (CFS) program to provide essential funding support for 190 non-profit organizations, public entities, and individual artists. The contracted services include programs, events, and activities proposed to occur between January 1 and December 31, 2022.
As a primary function of Arts & Culture, the CFS program provides unrestricted general operating and project support to nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations, arts & culture organizations, cultural institutions, colleges, and universities, as well as units of government that produce or present ongoing arts programming for the general public. In addition, the CFS program seeks to improve the cultural health of individuals, with a special emphasis on youth, seniors, individuals with disabilities, and underserved communities.
“This is exciting news for all of Fulton County,” said Fulton County Board of Commissioners Chairman Robb Pitts. “I am always thrilled when we are able to share this type of news. This demonstrates the County’s continued commitment to strengthening cultural assets for artists, our partners, and all residents.”
“The goal is to increase access to cultural enrichment for our residents and support arts projects and cultural planning activities,” said Arts & Culture Director David Manuel. “Equity and inclusion are a priority for what we do as stewards of Fulton County’s Cultural Resources. With the support of the Fulton County Board of Commissioners, The Arts Council and the CFS Staff; we are pleased to support and champion the rich cultural resources provided by Arts Community in Fulton County throughout the pandemic. Our program’s mission is to provide accessibility and information for all Fulton County residents while also contributing to the economic vitality of the community.”
CFS applicants are reviewed and awarded using the following competitive evaluation criteria, artistic merit, service to the community and field, organizational effectiveness, and accessibility. A five-tier evaluation process includes staff review, peer panel advisory professionals representing all artistic categories, allocations budget committee, Arts Council, and final approval by the Board of Commissioners. During this cycle, the organizations awarded funding are projected to serve more than four million people in Fulton County.