Early Voting
Early voting is now underway until November 1 for the November 5 General Election. Click here for early voting locations and times. Click here to download the Fulton County Voter App for all your election information.
Early voting is now underway until November 1 for the November 5 General Election. Click here for early voting locations and times. Click here to download the Fulton County Voter App for all your election information.
Fulton County Public Works in conjunction with the County’s Consultant, GMC will host a public hearing to discuss the process of updating the County’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan, which is a planning document, will serve to establish the vision and goals for growth within Fulton County, usually over a twenty-year period. It will provide guidance on future policies, projects, and actions for various aspects of the County, including, but not limited to, land use, economic development, transportation, and housing.
The public hearing will take place on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, at 5 p.m. at Emma Darnell Aviation Museum and Conference Center (3900 Aviation Circle NW, Atlanta, GA 30336).