Upcoming Virtual Meeting:
Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025
Time: 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 951 6059 5887
Passcode: 744705
Description: (Agenda Item # 22-0644): The Fulton County Veterans Empowerment Commission shall function solely as an advisory body to the Board of Commissioners. The Veterans Commission shall investigate and provide recommendations to the Board of Commissioners of priorities, objectives, and policies which will support the veteran population in Fulton County, Georgia including relevant funding recommendations for public and private programs.
Virtual Meetings: Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1 p.m. via Zoom. Changes in the scheduling of meetings will be posted at least 24 hours in advance.
Membership/Appointment: Each Commissioner shall appoint two (2) members. Such appointees shall be residents of, or work in Fulton County and shall have military experience or expertise in the areas affecting military veterans.
Term: Veterans Commission members shall serve three (3) year terms, with such term subject to the discretion of the appointing Commissioner, who can remove a member for cause, otherwise such member may continue to serve beyond his/her term until a successor is appointed.
Number of Board Seats: 14
Vacancies: 2
2025 Elected Officers
Dr. Samantha K. Brown-Parks, Chair
Fulton County District 3
Email: doctorsambrown@gmail.com
Patricia Lewis, Vice Chair
Fulton County District 6
Email: ps.lewis@yahoo.com
Secretary Vacant
Appointed Members
James (Jim) Currie
Fulton County At-Large
Email: masatech@mindspring.com
Roger Wise Jr.
Fulton County At-Large
Email: rogerwisejr@comcast.net
John Walsh
Fulton County District 1
Email: john@johnwalshhomes.com
Richard White
Fulton County District 1
Email: Rickwhite4750@gmail.com
Stephen Leake
Fulton County District 2
Email: sleake@clh-group.com
Michael Moore
Fulton County District 3
Email: resultsatlanta@gmail.com
Anthony Merritt
Fulton County District 5
Email: itisso2@hotmail.com
Patricia Lewis
Fulton County District 6
Email: ps.lewis@yahoo.com
Eldson McGhee
Fulton County District 5
Email: eldsonmcghee@gmail.com
Walter Mitchell
Fulton County District 6
Email: wm354160@gmail.com
Fulton County District 4
Fulton County District 4