Fulton County Facility Closure
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The North Fulton Service Center, located at 7741 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, will be closed today, Thursday, February 13, 2025, while repairs to the facility gas line are underway.
The Fulton County Department of Arts & Culture today announced a deadline extension for the 2024 Contracts for Services (CFS) arts funding cycle. The application deadline is January 18, 2024.
Each year, Fulton County invests in non-profit organizations to ensure that Fulton County citizens enjoy a wide array of rich arts experiences. Funding awards ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 are available for Fulton County based artists, non-profit arts, organizations, non-profit cultural institutions, colleges and universities, schools, municipalities, and community based non-profit organizations in the form of essential project support.
Eligible applicants are encouraged to apply for these service contracts, which are designed to support arts programming taking place January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024.
The Contracts for Services (CFS) Program provides unrestricted general operating and project support to nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations, arts & culture organizations, cultural institutions, colleges, and universities, as well as units of government that produce or present ongoing arts programming open to the public. Contractors present programs that reflect Fulton County's cultural diversity, and capture the imagination of adults, families, and youth, invigorate neighborhood growth, support economic development, and provides jobs.
All application components are due Thursday, January 18, 2024 via WebGrants by 11:59 p.m.
Applications must be completed and submitted through the WebGrants system: http://fulton.dullestech.net.
Deadlines for completed applications and final reports will be strictly enforced. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the program guidelines at Fulton County Arts and Culture and contact CFS staff to verify eligibility. Staff members are available to assist organizations throughout the application process. Applications or components of the application submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
For more information about Contracts for Services, visit the Fulton County Arts and Culture Department website at fultonarts.org. You can also contact the Fulton County Arts and Culture Department Contracts for Services team by e-mail at arts.cfs@fultoncountyga.gov or by phone at 404-612-5780.
The Contracts for Services Program (CFS) provides arts funding as unrestricted general operating and project support to artists, community based nonprofit and tax-exempt organizations, not for profit arts & culture organizations and cultural institutions, colleges and universities, municipalities, as well as units of government. Eligible Fulton County applicants are encouraged to apply annually. Through a Contracts for Arts Services Award recipients present public programs that reflect the cultural diversity of the County, captures the imagination of adults, families and youth, invigorate neighborhood growth, support economic development and provides jobs.
The path to determine the annual awards is comprised of a competitive review process in which the following evaluation criteria are assessed; artistic merit, service to the community and field, leadership, financial fitness, organizational and individual effectiveness, and accessibility. Award recipients are selected after a thorough evaluation by staff, a peer review panel of professionals representing all artistic categories, the Fulton County Arts Council, and the Allocations Committee and finally approved by the Board of Commissioners. This five-step review process provides additional accountability to support the Fulton County strategic goal that “AII People's Lives Are Culturally and Recreationally Enriched".
Funding provided to selected award recipients work in concert with financial support from corporate giving, foundation sponsorship, federal and state government grants, individual sponsorship, and crowd funding resources to ensure a vibrant arts community in Fulton County.