Early Voting
Early voting is now underway until November 1 for the November 5 General Election. Click here for early voting locations and times. Click here to download the Fulton County Voter App for all your election information.
Early voting is now underway until November 1 for the November 5 General Election. Click here for early voting locations and times. Click here to download the Fulton County Voter App for all your election information.
Are you or someone you know being sold for sex or made/forced to work for little or no pay and cannot leave?
Call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888 or the Statewide Georgia Hotline for Domestic Minor Trafficking at 1-844-842-3678 for help.
Learn about Fulton County’s End Human Trafficking Initiative
All victims of slavery and human trafficking have rights and are protected by international, federal, and state law. The hotline is:
¿Está usted o alguien usted conoce está vendido para el sexo o hecho/forzado a trabajar por poco o ningún salario y no se puede dejar?
Llame al Centro de Recursos de la Trata de Personas Nacionales a 1-888-373-7888 o Linea directa del estado de Georgia para reporter Trafico Domestico de Menores a 1-844-842-3678 para obtener ayuda.