The Fulton County Citizens Commission on the Environment (FCCCE) is a citizen advisory group appointed by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners. The purpose of the FCCCE is to investigate environmental issues in Fulton County, make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, and increase public awareness.
Each fall, the FCCCE hosts an awards ceremony recognizing environmental accomplishments in each district. This year the ceremony will be held on Wednesday, October 16, at 8:30 a.m.
The FCCCE is seeking nominations for projects, programs, individuals, and organizations in Fulton County that exemplify environmental excellence. Nominations are due no later than Monday, July 15, 2024. Nominations received after July 15 may not be considered but will be saved for next year. Winners will be notified in August.
Below are some examples of potential actions which may warrant a nomination.
- Exemplary projects are ones that demonstrate outstanding compliance with applicable environmental regulations, incorporate greenspace, use natural resources responsibly, or protect the environment. Examples include neighborhood recycling clean-ups, community gardens, or watershed restoration projects.
- Exemplary programs are ones that focus on environmental awareness and education, involve communities in the discussion about their environment, conserve natural resources, or protect the environment.
- Exemplary individuals and organizations are ones that ensure their activities and operations are environmentally responsible, display leadership for environmental protection, or participate in the resolution of environmental issues for the general good of all citizens in Fulton County.